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Goodyear Welt Sneakers

Cooperated By Simple Union And Tricker's 

Simple Union


Simple Union Joins Forces With Tricker’s For Oxfords Shoe Vintage Kofu


Simple Union has collaborated with heritage shoemaker Tricker’s to make Oxfords Vintage Kofu.The Fabric Part has been crafted from antique Japanese boro textiles dating back to the Meiji era in the late 1800s By Simple Union - Hong Kong-based handcrafted leather specialists.


In partnership with German tannery Weinheimer, Trickers develop a new type of finish known as Olivia Leather and it is the only shoemaker in the world uses such exquisite piece.Olivia leather uses an all-natural tanning procedure where it uses essence of olive leaves to Tan it’s leather , providing a more environmentally friendly tanning alternative.


Its soft textures with a wide last oxford design , brings a whole new comfortless with elegance onto our country shoes range. Combine with the commando sole renowned for his high duality, there’s no limit on how you can mix and match your style.

Tricker's X Simple Union
Tricker's X Simple Union
Tricker's X Simple Union
Tricker's X Simple Union
Tricker's X Simple Union
Tricker's X Simple Union

Tricker’s攜手Simple Union揉合東西方百年工藝製作Oxfords Shoe

誕生於英國北安普頓這盛產頂級皮革鞋履的皮鞋之都,超過 190 年歷史的皮鞋品牌 Tricker’s 是男士鞋櫃中的必備單品。是次聯同香港區Tricker’s代理HOUSES SHOP及Simple Union 的百年日本古布合作推出Tricker’s Oxfords – Vintage Kofu揉合東西方百年工藝來製作,每對古布花紋都獨一無二,製作數量極稀少。


鞋履運用的皮革是由德國皮廠合作開發的scotch grain Olivvia leather,採用全天然橄欖葉鞣製。是市場上最新的皮革之一,亦是Tricker's世界上唯一使用及擁有Olivvia皮革的鞋匠。其柔軟的質感配上用上獨家設計的牛津Country shoes 加上好評如潮的大頭闊新鞋楦,大大提升舒適度。鞋底則用上外型厚實並耐用性高Commando Sole,同時輕易配搭出多種不同造型。

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