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Vans Era Cultural of Japanese Traditional Culture

Vans Era Cultural of Japanese Traditional Culture

Simple Union collaborates with sneaker customizers the Flying Hawk Studio creating Vans – Series of Craft And Cultural 


Cultural of Japanese Traditional Culture - Kitsune mask and Dharma Tumbler

Japanese believe that the black Kitsune and the white Kitsune are the messengers of Inari God who is in charge of agriculture. They are able to freely travel between the human and the spiritual worlds. The Kitsune mask has the inherent meaning of disaster relief. It is popular among

Japanese people.


Dharma Tumbler, the tumbler of the body means that it does not easily give up. Red Dharma means removing evil spirits and Yellow Dharma means wealth and luck. Dharma tumblers have a meaning of fortune. When people make a wish on a Dharma tumbler, they draw a black eyeball on Dharma's "left eye" first and paint the eyeball of its "right eye" to celebrate the wish comes true.


You can pre-order your pair from August 4th to 10th. We just make 10 Pairs . 

We Finished the Order Within October. 


Cultural – 尋覓日本傳統文化 - 狐面與達摩



家傳曉的達摩,傳言對修行有著極為深厚的毅力,身體圓圓的不倒翁,也代表著不被困難擊到的意思。紅色自古以來就有除魔消厄的效果; 黃色是金運向上、幸運的意思。 達摩不倒翁有著許願祈福的作用,許願時先在達摩的「左眼」畫上黑色的眼珠子,等到願望實現之後再將「右眼」的眼珠子畫上,慶祝心願達成。




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