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Puma Suede - Ukiyo-E

Puma Suede - Ukiyo-E

Simple Union in conjunction with The Flying Hawk Studio , have recreated the classic silhouette with a traditional Japanese twist. 
The left shoe is dressed up in blossomed Sakuras, a symbol of the Japanese spirit. Over on the right shoe, the famed Japanese Dairin-style Torii is featured next to Mount Fuji, marking a meaning of hope and dawn. 
The shoe’s tongue is then inspired by a False Tongue, which is commonly found on both mountain and military boots, that has been crafted with Japanese art patterns and bonded with leather. 

TFHS 運用固有精細的畫風,融入復古愛好者獨愛的PUMA SUEDE獨特設計當中,令整體渾然天成。日本精神的象徵-櫻花;日本人認為人生短暫,活著就要像櫻花一樣燦爛。在嚴冬過後,是櫻花最先把春天的氣息帶來,象徵生命、幸福、 永不放棄及忠誠。傳統建築-台輪鳥居;代表神域的入口,用於區分神棲息的神域和人類居住的世俗界,也是希望及晨光照耀的意思,充滿日系風情。

SU的HEAD TAG 鞋舌設計靈感沿於舊日登山靴、軍靴上的False Tongue,早期製做靴子時,使用在鞋舌上的皮料會較薄,但綁緊鞋帶後會將鞋舌擠壓到變形,甚至鞋眼釦背面的底釦會刮破鞋舌皮料,所以才演生出假鞋舌;而HEAD TAG同樣地保護鞋舌,令鞋形筆挺,亦能增加穿著的裹足感;運用日本藍染花紋古布,配合日系畫藝,令每雙PUMA SUEDE都獨一無二。


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