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Apple AirPod s Case - Bandana

Apple AirPod s Case - Bandana

Name : Apple AirPods Pro / 3 Case - Bandana
For Apple AirPod Pro / AirPod Pro 2 / AirPod3 Charging Case size 

All Come with the Brass Buckle


All Pre Order Pattern Will unique and Limited From The Fabric That you Chose

Just can Make 5 Pieces with this Rare  Fabric, We will Provide the Case By Order Priority

- All unique and Random Pattern


Please be aware that the vintage fabric, bandanas, blanket, and african indigo fabric used may vary in color and pattern from item to item.


The History of the Bandana


The bandana is one of the most versatile pieces of clothing to have entered the wardrobe of modern western civilization. There are an infinite number of ways to use that light square of roughly 20 by 20 inch cloth, but where did the bandana as we know it today originate?


The word itself is suspected to come from the sanskrit word ‘badhnati’ which means binds or to tie. Through colonization and trade, the name found its way into the English dictionary around the mid-eighteenth century. Badhnati was later anglicized into ‘bandannoe’ via Portuguese and eventually it came to be the bandana we know today.




『BANDANA』或是『BANDANNA』中文翻譯是印花手巾、印大手帕或頭巾、領巾,日文直接翻譯發音『バンダナ』。在美國一般的店大約美金2-5元就可以買到色彩豐富的BANDANA。時尚服飾店或是滑板、單車等運動品牌也都會有BANDANA來搭配販售。而日本更是將BANDANA發揚光大,如品牌Visvim 的BANDANA 一條日幣過萬元,以及美國骨董級的ELEPHANT BRAND,極具收藏價值。今天我們會分享有關這條Bandana的發源地與故事,發現它的魅力所在。


Bandana這個詞本身被懷疑來自梵文詞'badhnati',意思是綁定或綁定。 經過了殖民化和貿易,Bandana這個名字在十八世紀中葉進入英國詞典。 Badhnati後來通過葡萄牙語成為'bandannoe',最終成為我們今天所知的bandana。


在幾個世代中,Bandana已經發揮許多不同的效用,由水手,海員,農民,牛仔,騎自行車者和礦工等人佩戴,其使用甚至延伸到LGBT社區,幫派成員和一般反叛文化。 雙色佩斯利(paisley-printed)印花棉麻布相比土耳其和印度的傳統抗蝕染技術,歷史更長遠,有時代表政治運動和愛國主義,亦是推廣了當時的流行文化。




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